For providing pure life insurance protection the most popular plan is Renewable and Convertible Term Insurance. This is the most basic form of insurance and is the simplest to understand. Coverage is provided for a specified term, the policy renews automatically at the end each term period until the policy expires, most commonly at age 85. This plan has the lowest initial cost at entry, but don’t be mesmerized by the low cost because on renewal you will pay a substantial increase. If, however, you become uninsurable before the end of the term period you will have no other option but to renew if you want to keep the coverage.
Most companies offer a ten year and 20 year renewable term policy and, recently, some have started to provide a 30 year term. So how do you decide which one is right for you? For starters, match your insurance needs with the length of time required that they be insured. For example, if you have a young family you probably would wish to cover the acute dependency period until the children are out of school (including post secondary) as a minimum. If you have a mortgage, you would want to insure it for an appropriate amount while it is outstanding. Remember the average Canadian purchases more than one home during his or her lifetime, so there usually is some outstanding mortgage over future years. Specific needs such as other debts, education funds, etc. will have a time frame that they should be insured until your assets increase to a point where insurance might be no longer required.
In other words, the longer the need will persist, the longer the term of the coverage should be to insure it. Some needs will persist for your entire life (estate liquidity, taxes at death) and those can be provided for by term to age 100, Universal Life, or any other permanent life insurance plan. The rest can be covered by a combination of 10 year or 20 year term with perhaps some 30 year term thrown in. Below are some key points for consideration:
Programming the proper amount of coverage and the proper term period can be a confusing exercise. Done properly it will could save you considerable premium dollars over your life time while providing your beneficiaries with financial security. This is an important exercise that probably should be attempted alone at home. Call me and I can help.
Ong Financial Planning Services Ltd.
Financial Planner
Tel: (604) 676-1088
1275 West 6th Avenue 3rd floor
Vancouver, BC